Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Leaves Collection

The truth is that I couldn't wait for too much longer to share with everyone this gift from my niece.
My sweet little niece surprised me with a beautiful collection of leaves. She told me that she made it so I could remember the family's garden while I am away.
This is the most enchanted present I have ever received.

Mi pequeña sobrina me sorprendió al regalarme esta colección de hojas que según sus propias palabras debo ver cuando me encuentro lejos de casa y asi recordar su jardín.
Éste es el regalo más encantador que he recibido hasta ahora.


Studioayse said...

Hello Lucky Auntie!! This is the sweetest gift ever!! she is very creative, I believe she inherited her creativity from you :)

Belen Art said...

Hi Ayse,

It's the most marvelous present ever! I love it!
My little nice is so creative and sweet. Unfortunately I couldn't bring the collection, but I took this pictures.
Now I won't forget the garden!