Monday, December 29, 2008


Y cómo se llama ese mes
que está entre Diciembre y Enero?

Con qué derecho numeraron
las doce uvas del racimo?

Por qué no nos dieron extensos
meses que duren todo el año?

No te engañó la primavera
con besos que no florecieron?

And what is the name of the month
that falls between December and January?

By what authority did they number
the twelve grapes of the cluster?

Why didn't they give us longer
months that last all year?

Did spring never deceive you 
with kisses that didn't blossom?
 Pablo Neruda
translated by William O' Daly

Monday, December 15, 2008

Mother Nature

Watercolor on paper by Belen Islas

I am blue

watercolor on paper by Belen Islas

You told me: It is time to go.
And I knew it: that was the end.
Since that day I am blue...

Tu me dijite:  Es tiempo
Y supe que: Ese era el final.
 desde ese día soy azul...

Friday, December 5, 2008


I did this collage for my Mixed Media Class. The assignment was to select a famous artist, celebrity, place or piece of art and visually deface it. So, I chose the work of Shepard Fairey and I mixed it with Paris Hilton. By the way "I don't really think, I just walk" is a real quote from Paris.

Hicé este collage para mi clase de Mixed Media. El objetivo era tomar algún trabajo de un artista, celebridad, lugar u obra de arte y transformarlo en algo completamente diferente.  Asi que elegí la obra de Shepard Fairey y lo mezclé con Paris Hilton. Por cierto "I don't really think, I just walk" (Realmente no pienso, solo camino) es una cita real de Paris.